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Marriage Material


Biblical Love Bundle

Bundle includes:

1) Loving your Wife: A Biblical Guide for Husbands'

1) Loving your Husband: A Biblical Guide for Wives'

Within the pages of theses' books lies a deep and abiding truth: the foundation of love, particularly within the context of marriage, Ii firmly rooted in the biblical concept of selfless, sacrificial love. It is a love that transcends human limitations, a love that draws inspiration from the divine relationship between Christ and the church. As a husband and Wife, your journey through these chapters will uncover the sacred art of love, a love that mirrors the very heart of the Creator.

Loving Your Wife:
A Biblical guide for Husbands' 

Within the pages of this book lies a deep and abiding truth: the foundation of love, particularly within the context of marriage, is firmly rooted in the biblical concept of selfless, sacrificial love. It is a love that transcends human limitations, a love that draws inspiration from the divine relationship between Christ and the church. As a husband, your journey through these chapters will uncover the sacred art of love, a love that mirrors the very heart of the Creator.


Loving Your Husband:
A Biblical guide for Wives' 

Within the pages of this book lies a deep and abiding truth: the foundation of love, particularly within the context of marriage, is firmly rooted in the biblical concept of selfless, sacrificial love. It is a love that transcends human limitations, a love that draws inspiration from the divine relationship between Christ and the church. As a Wife, your journey through these chapters will uncover the sacred art of love, a love that mirrors the very heart of the Creator.


Manage Financial Decisions as a Couple 

This book seeks to provide insights, guidance, and practical wisdom drawn from the rich tapestry of biblical principles and modern financial knowledge. The ability to navigate the often-tumultuous waters of financial decision-making as a couple is a crucial skill, one that can either strengthen the bonds of love or strain them. Our aim is to help you develop the tools and understanding needed to not just survive but thrive in this aspect of your relationship.

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Biblical Keys for a Strong Relationship

The biblical principles discussed here have a universal application and relevance, transcending cultural and religious boundaries. They are rooted in the timeless and enduring wisdom that has guided humanity for generations, reminding us of the profound truths that form the foundation of strong and lasting relationships.

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